Enjoy great tastes

Restaurants in Kalajoki offer delicacies made by a dedicated professional, with natural and tasty ingredients. A romantic three-course dinner or ice cream at the beach. A long lunch in good company or a coffee by an open fire during a canoeing tour. A cup of something hot in freezing winter weather or a refreshing visit to a summer café. Have a small delicious break, or take the time to enjoy your meal.

Everything tastes better in Kalajoki!




Get dressed up or go out for more casual enjoyment. Choose between a rustic rural atmosphere or a fancier setting. Taste something entirely new. Share the pleasure with your friends, family or loved one. Be bold and beautiful, and propose in the light of a spectacular sunset! Make a lasting impression on a client or partner. Relax and enjoy.

The restaurants in Kalajoki do their utmost to ensure fresh tastes and an unforgettable evening!


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Bars & Aftersea

Get together with your friends to talk about the experiences of the day. Listen to live music and sing along. Eat casually, with your fingers if you like, and lick the plate clean when you’re done! Feel the sunlight and memories of the wonderful day linger in your mind and body.



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Cafés & Kiosks

Sip a refreshing frappe in the summer heat. Enjoy warm tea on a brisk winter day. Push the need for a big meal back with some tasty snacks. See the smiles of the passers-by. Close your eyes and enjoy your time off. Press your tongue against a delicious ball of cool ice cream. When you’re done, why not have another!

The cafés and kiosks in Kalajoki offer scrumptious treats for the well-deserved breaks between holiday activities!


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